You aren't a bully, nazi, or asshole
It takes a village to nurture Shared Ground. Each one of us has something meaningful to contribute towards our climate resilience congregation. Here is what we ask of members:
Every member makes a monthly financial contribution that is meaningful for their own situation. A member with access to intergenerational wealth and a secure, salaried job might give $100 or more per month, while a single parent making an hourly wage might give $1. Each is equally meaningful and sacred.
As an organization led and run by volunteers, we believe in sharing the labor equitably. As part of your membership, you're invited to find a role that fits with your own schedule and superpowers, whether that's sweeping the floors, balancing the books, or spreading the word. Role opportunities are constantly evolving and you'll get a chance to see open roles when you join.
We democratically develop our norms and when you choose to join as a member you agree to support and abide by those agreements. You can read our policies in our handbook.